In our eska-AIR dangerous goods database, you will find the data from Table 3.1 of the ICAO TI (Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air). This is legally binding information to which ADR, RID and ADN also refer.
In practice, the IATA-DGR (International Air Transport Association - Dangerous Goods Regulations), which are de facto the airlines' terms and conditions, apply. In section 4.2, the "Blue Pages", you will find the dangerous goods data set out in the ICAO-TI and additional diverging rules, as well as the airlines' own procedures and requirements.
The eska-AIR dangerous goods data contains the information that you require for air transport documentation - the Shipper's Declaration. The advantage for you, the user, is that: We have included all quantity specifications for limited quantities, for passenger and cargo aircraft and, if applicable, the "cargo aircraft only" specification in our eska-AIR dangerous goods database. Once you have entered your shipping quantities, this allows you to check to see if the planned transport is even feasible. The numbers of the respective special regulations are also listed.
In our eska-AIR dangerous goods data, we have removed the non-bold text components of the column "Proper shipping name/description" in a separate data field. Your advantage: This allows you to insert the official name in English in bold directly from our database in your shipper's declaration.